New premades

Here we will be posting premade Helium Scraper projects and helpful stuff.
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New premades

Post by webmaster » Fri May 25, 2012 2:56 am

A couple of premades have been added to our online premades list.

The first one is called Select Each. All it does is, given a kind, select each individual element selected by this kind and run its child nodes (i.e. the child nodes of the Execute Actions Tree that executes it).

The second one is called Data to Variables. This one takes a data table and run its child nodes for each row, assigning the values of the specified columns in the current row to the specified variables. I'm attaching a quick sample of how it could be used together with an Execute JavaScript action.
DataToVariable Sample.hsp
(515.43 KiB) Downloaded 1935 times
Juan Soldi
The Helium Scraper Team

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Joined: Mon Dec 06, 2010 8:39 am

Re: New premades

Post by webmaster » Mon Dec 22, 2014 6:18 pm

Hi Micheal,

You can use the "Can't find what you're looking for?" link in the premades dialog to suggest new premade. If is generic enough (i.e. not limited to a particular site) it'll most likely make it to the list without you having to pay for it.
Juan Soldi
The Helium Scraper Team

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