Communicate with

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Communicate with

Post by webmaster » Sun May 22, 2011 8:52 pm

The attached project can be used to easily communicate with the third party service to automatically solve CAPTCHA codes. You will need to create an account with them and use your username and password in order to use the attached file.

It contains two actions trees: "FillUpCaptcha" and "Solve Captcha If Needed". Both of them must be invoked from a "Execute Actions Tree" action.

The first one takes as parameters a kind that selects the CAPTCHA picture, a kind that selects an input box in which to write the results, a username and a password.

The second one takes the same parameters as the previous one but also a submit button to submit the filled up form and a maximum amount of attempts. What this tree does is, first, check to see if the CAPTCHA picture is present and if it is, try to solve it and submit the result. It will try to do this until the CAPTCHA picture is not found or until the maximum amount of attempts has been reached.

Both actions trees contain an "Execute JS (Solve Captcha)" action in which you can set the timeout for two web requests by setting two variables: one called GetPictureTimeOutMs thats sets the timeout for the request that gets the picture, and one called GetCaptchaTimeOutMs that sends the picture to DeCaptcher. The default values for these are 20 and 45 seconds respectively. Note that the application will become unresponsive while communicating, so if using the default values, it could become unresponsive for up to 65 seconds.

If any of these actions trees throws an error, the execution will be paused for you to be able to complete the process manually and then continue the execution. In this case, before pressing "play" to continue, you should set the browser in whatever page it would be if the actions tree would have successfully solved the CAPTCHA. So, if using the "FillUpCaptcha" tree, it should be in the CAPTCHA page with the code written in the text box, and if using the "Solve Captcha If Needed", it should be in the page you are sent to after filling up the CAPTCHA and pressing the "Submit" button.

I have tested this project in a few services and worked fine. Let me know if you have any problem with it or if you have any suggestion.

And please! don't use it for spamming.
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Juan Soldi
The Helium Scraper Team

Posts: 7
Joined: Wed Jan 15, 2014 7:38 am

Re: Communicate with

Post by jkok12 » Thu Feb 12, 2015 5:37 am

Some times DeCapther returns an error: server’s overloaded. Execution will be paused.
I do not want to type it manually. How can I do that. I mean is there a way not to stop trying solving the captcha?

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