Write from a database to text boxes

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Write from a database to text boxes

Post by webmaster » Sat May 14, 2011 10:24 pm

This project contains an actions tree that takes data from a data table, writes each row to the input boxed selected by given kinds, and execute its child nodes for each row in the data table.

To use it, create a data table that contains the data to be written with as many columns as you need, and a set of kinds that select each of the input boxes you want to write to. Then create an "Execute actions tree" action that executes the "Write From Database" actions tree. You will be asked to select a table name, and then add a set of column/kind couples. Each of these couples will tell the script the value from which column needs to be written to the element selected by which kind. So, for instance, if you select two couples, Col1/Kind1 and Col2/Kind2, the values from Col1 will be written to the element selected by Kind1 and the values from Col2 will be written to the element selected by Kind2.

Inside your "Execute actions tree" you would normally add a "Navigate" action to press a button that submits a form and an "Extract" action that extract the results.
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Juan Soldi
The Helium Scraper Team

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