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Identifying "data type mismatch" error

Posted: Mon Apr 22, 2013 11:46 am
by gcarmich
Is there an easy way to identify the "kind" that is creating the error "data type mismatch in criteria expression"?

Re: Identifying "data type mismatch" error

Posted: Wed Apr 24, 2013 4:46 pm
by webmaster
First identify which Extract action is producing this error. Then double click this action and click Advanced and see every line that uses a data type that is not set to Auto, Memo or Text. If you don't need them to be any specific data type then set them all to Auto, but if you do, then take note of the kinds and gatherers that are not set to these data types. Then in the selection panel, click Choose visible properties and select all the gatherers that you took note of. Then select in the browser each of the kinds you took note of and see if the property gatherer in the selection panel is giving you the right kind of data. For instance, if you're using the data type Numeric with a kind called Number and the gatherer Text, then click Select kind in browser under the kind Number and then make sure, in the selection panel, under the Text column, everything is a number.