Hello, I am having problem extracting text from a series of pages.
http://kithara.to/ss.php?id=exuGGXkyAkf ... w0AfKa-19v
The text seems to be nested in a <div id="text"> like below, which is of course different for each page.
What can I do?
<div id="text">
<script language="JavaScript1.2" type="text/javascript">
function ll(s){var t='';for(var i=0;i<s.length;i+=3){t=t+s.substring(i+2,i+3)+s.substring(i,i+1)}location.href=t;}
</script><div class="ch"> Gm Dm7</div>
<div class="te">Αν μ' αγαπάς, μείνε κοντά μου</div>
<div class="ch"> Cm Dm7 Gm</div>
<div class="te">όσα κι αν έρθουν, να είσαι πάντα εδώ</div>
<div class="te">Αν μ' αγαπάς, γίνε ο στίχος</div>
<div class="te">σ' ένα τραγούδι που γράψαμε κι δυο</div>
<div class="no"> </div>
<div class="ch">Gm Eb D</div>
<div class="te">Έλα πάρε με καρδιά μου ως εκεί που πας</div>
<div class="ch">Cm Gm Eb Dm7 Gm</div>
<div class="te">να σου στρώνω χίλια αστέρια για να περπατάς</div>
<div class="te">χάρισε μου ένα κόσμο μοναχά για μας</div>
<div class="te">και εγώ ότι θέλεις δίνω για να μ' αγαπάς</div>
<div class="no"> </div>
<div class="te">Αν μ' αγαπάς, δως μου ένα δρόμο</div>
<div class="te">να τον βαδίζω με σένα αγκαλιά</div>
<div class="te">Αν μ' αγαπάς, γίνε ζωή μου</div>
<div class="te">όσο θα ρίχνει το σώμα μου σκιά</div>
<div class="no"> </div>
<div class="te">Έλα πάρε με καρδιά μου ως εκεί που πας</div>
<div class="te">να σου στρώνω χίλια αστέρια για να περπατάς</div>
<div class="te">χάρισε μου ένα κόσμο μοναχά για μας</div>
<div class="te">και εγώ ότι θέλεις δίνω για να μ' αγαπάς...</div>
<div class="no"> </div>
Unable to capture dynamic text
Re: Unable to capture dynamic text
well I implemented a jscript gatherer, quite efficiently.
The problem now is that it extracts not only the desired text that lies between multiple DIVs but also the following:
function ll(s){var t='';for(var i=0;i<s.length;i+=3){t=t+s.substring(i+2,i+3)+s.substring(i,i+1)}location.href=t;}
Anyway how can I get rid of it, and what the hell is the meaning of it?
The problem now is that it extracts not only the desired text that lies between multiple DIVs but also the following:
function ll(s){var t='';for(var i=0;i<s.length;i+=3){t=t+s.substring(i+2,i+3)+s.substring(i,i+1)}location.href=t;}
Anyway how can I get rid of it, and what the hell is the meaning of it?