This premade uses the Anti Captcha service to solve image CAPTCHAs, such as this:
You'll be required to enter 4 parameters:
- Account Key: This is the account key the Anti Captcha service gives you when you sign up.
- CAPTCHA Image Selector: A selector that selects the CAPTCHA image. It must be an IMG element.
- CAPTCHA Input Selector: A selector that selects the input where you'd type the CAPTCHA solution.
- Case Sensitive: If set to true, the worker will see a special mark telling that the answer must be entered with case sensitivity.
It is recommended to first import it into a global, and then double click the action and select Run in Browser in a page that shows a CAPTCHA, to make sure that all parameters have been entered correctly. After running it, the browser should have navigated to the page you're trying to reach. If anything fails, you can get more information on the project's log.
It is not recommended to import it manually, but it can be done by copying the code below and pasting it into a new global, and then manually entering the 4 parameter placeholders at the bottom. Be sure to use the right data types when doing so (accountKey: string, imageSelector: selector, inputSelector: selector, caseSensitive: boolean).
Code: Select all
function (accountKey imageSelector inputSelector caseSensitive)
· Sequence.FirstOrDefault
· imageSelector
· String.Download
· ""
· struct
as text
· "return [document.body];"
· inputSelector
· text
· 2000
· 13
· [accountKey]
· [imageSelector]
· [inputSelector]
· [caseSensitive]