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Custom Export (CSV)- use variable value as output filename?

Posted: Tue May 29, 2012 12:57 am
by kujo_adal
Is it possible that the next version of Helium could allow include a new feature to allow us to dynamically/programatically choose the Custom Export's file name?

For example:

(as regular helium parameter/variable):
"C:\Users\{User Name}\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Helium\Helium Scraper.appref-ms" "C:\Users\{User Name}\Desktop\file.hsp?param1=value2&param2=value2&--starting-url=\temp\export.csv"

or, to save into the current working directory:
"C:\Users\{User Name}\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Helium\Helium Scraper.appref-ms" "C:\Users\{User Name}\Desktop\file.hsp?param1=value2&param2=value2&--starting-url="

(these options would necessitate adding the choosing of Helium Variables/Params as choices for the Filename entries in the Attached Screenshot's dialog window (vs. only a file picker)).